Sunday, 29 January 2012

Back in Windsor ON

I have to go home for a while to deal with a family health problem so I do my best to watch via internet but I'm at a place with no internet so it will be tough.

Friday, 27 January 2012

Two North Vans too many - Outlook article 25 Jan 2012

Just as I thought I had seen all the outrageous statements made by our Mayor, he showed he can always top himself.    In the Outlook, "Mayor Mussatto says any amalgamation talk that doesn’t first require the district to dramatically increase its urban density is “a waste of time.”

This density junkie and his allies are not satisfied with one of the highest rates of growth in BC.  Although he dresses in his "green sheep's clothing" to justify the flood of condo towers he is avidly pursuing, he is dramatically increasing the actual carbon footprint of the whole City.  Greenhouse gases don't effect the climate "per-capita".

He will also say he is fighting for affordable housing or to create jobs for the citizens of North Van but every expensive condo built raises the rents being paid for housing and for businesses.  It's not what is happening.  Watch the small family owned businesses be forced out of their Lonsdale locations by rents they cannot afford.

At 1133 Londsale, the old North Shore News site, the brand new building sat empty for over a year as the City/developer did not ensure there was an anchor tenant prior to the Council approval. Now a temp office has been put in there to sell condos at the new NS Credit Union site at 13th and Lonsdale.  Is this a view of the future of this site and the Safeway site if the three Councillors of Vision North Van get their way?  Why do the other four Councillors not listen to the wise voice of Pam Bookham instead of trying to be Mussatto lite?

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Agenda 12 Jan 2012 Council Meeting *Updated

 It should be a quiet meeting tonight as the new year starts.

The Smart Meter issue is back with BC Hydro and the Union putting their opinions out.

The Lower Lonsdale Business Association is asking for some re-zoning to slightly increase the amount of commercial activities that can be done on industrial.  A Public Hearing should be approved.

Council, at the request of Don Bell, will be reviewing the contract for the summer concerts being held at Shipbuilder's Square.

*Update  As I thought it was very quiet.