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Here's a detailed point of view from the The Lonsdale Community Association
By working together we can keep our neighbourhood a livable community for all.
TLCA supports the vision of a diverse community.
30 March 2012
To all TLCA members and Supporters & Friends,
The Election Campaign Financing disclosures have been posted on the City website. www.cnv.org It certainly makes very interesting reading.
I have been advised to avoid quoting the names of Donors and of those
candidates who received the funding. But each of the donors and candidates name‟s, are listed on the City website as indicated above and were also published in the North Shore news. So please do not miss reading the site.
With the introduction of the Election Campaign Disclosure law, the public is now able to identify the donors, the funding they contributed and to whom. We also learn one developer has donated through three different company names. This new law makes it clear who benefits from the large amount of funding donated and who the contributors were. Interestingly it appears to have come mainly from unions, developers and related businesses.
The shocker of the election was of course the amount of $52,000 received by the Mayor, and again mostly coming from the unions, developers and related businesses. Why does the Mayor need $52,000 to be elected you may ask when his three competitors spent a grand total of just $2,348? We should be asking what could possibly be the motivation of those who donated the vast sums of money collectively to both the Mayor and his slate. After all the City is only just 4.15 sq miles with only seven council members, six of whom are part time. It‟s not
as if we are a Metropolis. There are many questions that need to be asked and the first question should be, why aren't they being asked?
The process of donating and funding a select group of candidates for such a small Council casts a shadow over the democratic process. It creates an argument that could saddle Councillors with the appearance of a “Conflict of Interest”. But would we ever see a Councillor excusing himself when dealing with a new development?
Probably not, but Citizens expect our Councillors to be capable, competent, ethical and enlightened managers of the public purse, unhindered by hints of outside influences.
Regarding the amount of new construction it would be of interest to the public if City staff had a process that could provide the number of Permits issued monthly with the „total to date‟ indicated. At present one wonders if anyone is actually counting at all. The rate they are being approved is creating a serious problem. It‟s scaring people into believing the present rate of growth is growing out of control?
With two very large projects waiting for OCP amendment approval the effect upon the community could be devastating. Added to the problem is the cost of the infrastructure needed to facilitate all this growth.
Also troubling is why, despite the growth rate continually increasing, does the Mayor still insist on quoting a 1% growth rate while BC statistics listed the growth rate as 3.6% for our City in 2011?
Back in the late 80s we were talking about capping the population at about 60,000. But 4 years ago the City created a 100 year Sustainable Vision which is designed to show how the City‟s population could reach 150,000 by 2109. Think about that for a minute; remember we are only 4.15 sq. miles hemmed in by the District, a mountainside and the Harbour. The City‟s borders are not expanding and neither are the roads. As Citizens we really do have to start asking some
important questions. For instance, why do we accept that all of this growth is inevitable? Larger Cities may have the space to grow but we are a tiny community perched on the side of a mountain range. What would happen if a major disaster struck and the only way off the North Shore would still be over the same two bridges, but what if they were also damaged?
This CityShaping program is ploughing ahead with Metro Vancouver requesting the OCP be extended to 2041 for an estimated population of 68,000 people in 0,300 dwelling units. That is calculated as 2.26 people per unit. But our own City Staff is suggesting this new OCP provide for 40,800 dwelling units which at the same rate would provide a population of 92,208. In addition CityShaping staff is also advising to increase the Height of Towers to 220 FT from 180 Ft. that would be Four More Floors extending the shadows even further across the community. Why have they come up with these figures? Who is behind this? We must ask these questions.
So let‟s look at these figures and do the Math. Today we are being TOLD there are 51,500 of us in the city, but that is still questionable. In 29 years it could be 92,200, that‟s an increase of 40,700 people.
OK if an average 180 ft tower has 18 floors with say 8 suites/floor, that equals 144 suites. Now using their figure of 2.26 /suite = 325.44 people living in a Tower.
Now if we divide 325.44 people into 40,700 people that would give the number of
towers needed for the next 29 years = 125.06 Towers, that would = 4.31 towers a year for 29 years and 1,402 additional people each year.
Towers would not be the only form of structures built during that time of course, the majority will be duplexes, coach houses and the 5 and 6 storey woodframe blocks, townhouses and Row Houses. These would be included in the 40,000 dwelling unit figures.
So where will the Towers be built? Metro and the City has designated the Lonsdale corridor from the Waterfront to the highway as the town centre for the North Shore, so that is where most of the Towers will be located. But by then the Harbourside project could be completed with its 800 suites,1,2,3, BRMs, average occupancy 2.26/suite, that will be 2,080 people living in front of the auto Mall on the Waterfront.
That project can still be stopped with Citizens’ persistence, as the OCP must be amended to change the present zoning of Light Industrial/ Commercial to Residential/ /Commercial. This, at a time when it’s the last piece of light
Industrial property in the City, and sits next to Seaspan, who have just
signed an $8 Billion contract to build Ships here. Their need for industrial
land must be determined before any decisions are made to rezone the
It’s time for the community act and begin to ask City Hall what is really going
on; who is dictating all this growth madness in our City? Can Council at least slow
it down? Have they the tools to prevent a forest of towers worse even than the
West End to occupy our City? Just imagine all the cars idling at traffic lights for
starters. Just like Denman St.
From The URBAN Development Institution brochure (UDI) quote, “advocates
a coordinated and streamlined approach to the release of new land in
Greenfield areas and upzoning for higher density in existing infill areas.”
WOW! Where did these people come from? Who is this very self- serving
organization? No doubt another part of the developer machine expanding to the
North Shore. I guess they want to continue expanding across all of the remainder
of the Agricultural Land Reserve between Surrey and Abbotsford, where those
thousands of acres of three storey Townhouses have already spread like a
Tsunami across the fields of Surrey, Langley and Aldergrove .If we allow this land
to disappear, where will we then grow our food in the future? We need to learn to
grow our food where we live.
It all seems so self-serving, as space becomes less available in Vancouver, the
developer machine creates a demand across the Harbour in our City and
throughout the Valley. The whole industry has even created a massive Ecosystem
program called “Green Construction” with “Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design” –„‟LEED” as their rating system and graded from Silver,
Gold and Platinum levels of construction and even a further rating of 9 levels of
suite designs. WOW you can guess how the cost increases as the ratings climb.
Check out Google - Leed Systems, its boggling. It all sounds so Grand. The green
no doubt refers to the dollar rather than the environment.
So again we need to ask, who is driving this growth and dictating to City
Governments, prophesying that the world is heading here and demanding we
build, build, build. Our Council must realize they are being manipulated into
making the developers rich while the City is forced to absorb the ever increasing
cost of building more costly infrastructure. It‟s time Council determine how best to
respond to the pressure on behalf of their Citizens, who themselves have the
responsibility and obligation to protect the livability of their City for future
generations. There is absolutely no justification for the present and outrageous
rate of growth we are now experiencing on the North Shore. Missing in all this are
the other elements of living, like space, sky light, and green growth, areas for
solitude, views, and safer ways to cross roads. Places for children to play and
grandparent to enjoy and more seating on the sidewalks. We‟ve had enough of
buildings and cars. Perhaps it is time to close off some streets and convert them
into green spaces.
Density is not the full answer to Affordability. Our young people still cannot afford
to live here. If developers stopped selling to off- shore buyers the cost of housing
would decline and we could then perhaps all afford to own our homes or at least
rent and live in our own communities. But as available land within City boundaries
decline, so the cost increases and people are forced to into smaller “dwelling
units”, we can‟t call them homes anymore. It all feels as if we are being pushed
into becoming another HONG KONG of Towers, a West End of the North Shore.
It‟s time that our senior Governments faced up to the problem of increasing
Population and developed a Housing policy. Cities around the world are
expanding at a colossal rate becoming countries almost unto themselves. Our
Canadian Government seems to think it can simply keep compressing the
problem down upon cities and municipalities. Space on the North Shore is finite
the ability to expand is extremely limited but as one City councilor likes to repeat
often it‟s either „Sprawl or Tall‟, to which I usually respond “Cap it and Map it‟,
So if Citizens wish to have their voices heard they must participate in the OCP
discussions. Citizens need to understand that the OCP is a document that should
protect the citizens as well as their City. We need to think in terms of reclaiming
our own Official Community Plan. It‟s not a get rich scheme document for
developers it’s the Citizens Plan for our City’s Future. If it’s not for the
Citizens who is it for?
Perhaps we should think about inserting a „Statement of purpose’ in the OCP to
enshrine the rights of Citizens and their expectations.
On the Cover page of the OCP, the first paragraph describes the Official
Community Plan as such; This plan begins its long-range direction for the City with
a “Community Vision”. The purpose of the vision is to establish an overall direction
for the City that will serve as a guide and integration tool. HMM! Who created that
vision? I remember TLCA trying to be involved some 12 years ago with little
Next paragraph, Under Community Vision; To be a vibrant, diverse and highly
livable community that strives to balance the social, economic and environmental
needs of our community locally.
On main page; An Official Community Plan is a municipality’s statement of its
long-term vision for the future.
So I suggest we can insert here; “It includes a “Statement of Purpose” by the
citizens of our City defining their expectations of a diverse, caring and a truly
Livable community for all and for future generations......etc etc. then we can
define some parameters.”
Quote,”An OCP is adopted by Bylaw, following public consultation and a Public
Hearing. Once adopted all other municipal bylaws and works undertaken by the
City must be consistent with the Plan”.
But as I see it, there is nothing in the OCP that gives credence to the voice of the
Citizens, the very taxpayers that live and contribute to the life of the City. Nor does
it include the expected ethical commitment as defined in the Oath of the
governance of the City.
We have been told too many times that the OCP are “just guidelines and they are
not etched in stone”. Yet citizens pay a fortune for their homes and I‟m sure the
Banks consider their mortgages are certainly etched in stone.
The next CITYSHAPING Workshop.
Saturday March 31 at 1 pm – 3.30pm
at the Legion Banquet Room at 123 West 15th.
The City has spent a $FORTUNE$. I‟ve been told $250,000, to advertise, and
promote the program Talk about our Future – the OCP. Posters on Bus stops
don‟t come cheap. Community planning has pulled out all the stops to promote the OCP this time around. That‟s our taxpayer‟s money being spent. Come and Talk and ask your Questions about your concerns and get involved at least then the taxes will not have been spent in vain.
If Density is allowed to increase at the present rate the need for more and costly
infrastructure such as sewage and water pipes, solid waste collection, Street
cleaning and Road repairs etc, will necessitate further tax increases and negate
the financial benefits gained by increase density. Salaries will increase for extra
City staff, Fire Dept., Police services, Health and Social services Recreation
centres, Library, Arts council, Museum, and more. Note that most of all the
preceding departments include union staff members.
When Council considers the amount of money donated, well over $100,000 by the
unions and the developers and related businesses during the election they surely
will ponder a moment and wonder if there could be a connection somewhere
between Density, Donations, Taxes and City expenditures?
Just to make my views clear, unions are an important and integral part of society
as they provide the standard for a livable wage for their members and for Society
in general. Unions provide a healthy balance for society, security and well being
for families and protection in the workplace. But I believe unions should have no
role in the realm of Municipal governance.
In a democracy everyone is equal. In City governance all members of Council
have an equal voice; there should be no room for partisanship between the seven
council members. They all swear an Oath of allegiance to the same goal,
which is essentially a mandate of assurance to the Sustainability and
Livability of the City for its Citizens.
So we must find a way to slow down all this growth in our City. Its time to put up a
sign at City Hall “SORRY LOT FULL”
Email our Councillors; they need to know about your concerns.
Please try to attend Saturday‟s meeting, we need as many people as possible.
It‟s your City you are reshaping for the future.
Saturday 31st March 1 pm to 3.30pm
at the Legion 125 West 15 th
Latest flash! All the property from 2nd Street to 1st on the West side of Lonsdale
has been purchased. A 5 storey building is proposed with stores, offices and 3
storeys of residential.
Ivan Leonard
TLCA. Statement of Purpose
......people dedicated to the further development of the City of North Vancouver into a truly livable community.............. We reject the notion that the bottom line is the only criteria for planning our community or that any one group should dominate the process of deciding what our community will become in the 21St Century. 1989.
Be the change you wish to see in the world.