Saturday, 27 April 2013

NDP's Keating threatening voters with fines!

Craig Keating who has run quite a few times in North Van and one failed attempt for provincially, has had to apologize for his campaign tricks.

He created a fake authorization form which made it look like there was a law forced strata managers to allow him and his canvassers into their building without being buzzed in by an individual. He implied that they would be charged and given a $5000 fine if they didn't give his canvassers free rein into their condo building.

"NDP Candidate's Official Authorization
I, Craig Keating, the undersigned candidate for the electoral district of North Vancouver Lonsdale, herby appoint ______________, my authorized representative for the purpose of canvassing electors and distributing election material.

Residential Tenancy Act Regarding Access to Residential Properties:
30 (2) A landlord must not unreasonably restrict access to residential property by 
(a) a candidate seeking election to the Parliament of Canada, the Legislative Assembly or an office in an election under the Local Government Act, the School Act or the Vancouver Charter, or
(b) the authorized representative of such a person who is canvassing electors or distributing election material.

Offences and penalties
95 (1) A person who contravenes any of the following provisions commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine of not more than $5,000:"

One strata condo resident inquired about Keating's actions.

"About 5:30 this evening, we were startled by a knock at our condo door.  For security we have a video enterphone system so we do not allow anyone that we do not know into our 32 unit building.  However Mr. Keating has found a way to circumvent our privacy and security by sending canvassers to our building with signed papers saying they must not be unreasonably denied entry into our building, citing requirements of the Elections Act.  See attachment.
The two representatives of Mr. Keating, did not identify themselves by name, and told us our Strata Council President allowed them into the building when asked.  They insisted on confirming our full names and wanted to know if NDP could count on our vote. We found their presence very intrusive and upsetting,  particularly the young male representative, who was wearing a hoodie and had a back pack strapped to his back. 
I can't believe The Elections Act would force our Strata Council President to allow entry of these NDP representatives.  The alternative is a $5000 fine, I believe.

Is this legitimate? "

Canvassers do not have the right to access multi-family buildings under the B.C. Election Act unless specific consent has been provided by the strata corporation, and even then, a strata council would be well advised to seek the consent of its ownership before considering access.

The Strata President has posted a letter of apology for letting Keating con him.

"Dear owners.

I write to apologise to you for an incident that occurred yesterday.

Late yesterday afternoon, on the basis of documentation signed by the local NDP candidate Craig Keating, I allowed two canvassers access to the building.
I have since discovered that, despite the apparent threat outlined in the documents I saw, there was no need for me to have done that.

At noon today I went to Craig Keating's office on 14th to express my anger at the deception to which I was subjected and to let them know that their behaviour  and that of their volunteers in this case was unacceptable.  They apologised saying it never should have happened but did admit that they had caused it to happen.

I have been in touch with Tony Gioventu from the Condominium Homeowners Association (CHOA) and he has in turn been speaking with Carole James' office where he was advised that it is not NDP policy to demand or even request access.

I hope you will accept my apologies for this incident.  I will be in touch with Strata Council to review this matter and my related behaviour with them."

Don't give Keating and his NDP ilk the right to break into your living room to lecture you.