If one reads the twitter traffic;
City of North Vancouver votes unanimously to become a #GMO-free zone! http://ht.ly/lUfFN Congrats!!!
The anti GMO food activists think so and in their article use that supposed success for further fund-raising.
Moved by Councillor Keating, seconded by Councillor Bell
THAT the planting and growing of genetically modified crops, trees, and
plants be banned in the City of North Vancouver;
1. I doubt there are any GMO crops in North Van. Or any crops really, aside from small plots run by residents. Of course, this is a resolution not a bylaw. If during the building of one of the monster houses springing up across the City, a tree is cut down and has to replaced, who would know if it contained any GMO? We don't enforce actual bylaws on secondary suites so this resolution is nothing more than words on paper intended to con activists.
AND THAT the City call upon the Federal and Provincial governments to
implement a regime of mandatory labelling of all genetically modified
organisms (GMO’s) for sale in BC and Canada;
AND THAT the City call upon the Federal and Provincial governments to
impose a moratorium on bringing further GMO’s to market for sale until a
regime of independent and transparent scientific assessment and GMO
management is introduced;
2. Many groups and individuals have "called" for mandatory labelling and moratorium. The senior governments have refused and there is no reason to believe that either has changed their minds.
AND THAT staff be directed to investigate the opportunities to ban the sale
of GMO crops, meat, fish, poultry and seeds in the City of North Vancouver;
3. When the staff report comes out and the attention has gone away, we will be told it is impossible or impractical to ban GMO foods and nothing will happen. As I said into point two, even if passed, it is impossible to enforce. Is the City to go into every grocery store and determine if there is any GM material in any of their food? Unlabelled food? If some was found, do you think the City would be fining Safeway? How much would the resulting lawsuit cost us?
AND THAT this resolution be circulated to the Premier, Prime Minister, all
North Shore MLA’s and MP’s, FCM, and UBCM municipalities.
4. Same as 2.
I will update this blog when the report comes out.
NOTE: We are still waiting for this report.