Thursday, 17 November 2011

Council Wraps up

The last day of the 2008 - 2011 Council is on 28 November 2011, nine days after the election.  Six of seven members are trying to return with only Mary Trentadue stepping down after one term.

So it is report card time:

B-  Mayor Darrell Mussatto, a lot of dedication and hard work, unfortunately much of the effort is spent taking us the wrong way.

B Craig Keating same as Darrell but a little more for being the one who runs an NDP slate in an area that votes against NDPers.

C+ Mary Trentadue maybe I'm being kind since she often just parroted Craig but I saw a developing Barb Perrault in the heritage sense. Maybe she will come back older and wiser.

A Pam Bookham  The best member of Council we have. An anti-change tendency stops her from getting a A+.

B+ Rod Clark would have been higher but his flip flopping on secondary suites in duplexes dropped him.   Rod has to learn to be focused on principles not the next election. Catering to people who don't vote for you and pissing off those who support you never works in elections anyway.

A- Guy Heywood  Despite a tendency to forget he is a Councilor now rather the Chair of Rec Commission, Guy has done very good work for a first term member.   Perhaps a future Mayor?

D-   Bob Fearnley I wanted to put a F for his many years of convention attendance and making sure Council was aware of every convention so he could attend but every once in a while he does protect North Van from excessive development.

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