Tuesday 5 March 2013

Hell freezes over

I've said that the time that Mayor Mussatto would say "that's too much density" would be when Hell froze over.

This morning Satan skated to work after Darryl voted against a massive project on Western. A resident broke down in tears over the treatment that her and young daughter had endured at the hands of the developer who arrogantly explained that they should have had final approval six months ago so they to rent to an all night party crowd  that even the cops could not stop to pull some extra money was necessary.  I wondered if the owner did so to punish the local residents for their opposition to his scheme.

The rabid defense of the indefensible Onni Safeway project shows that the Mayor and his Vision North Van party has not checked into a program for density junkies so all the hipsters in Surrey who dream of flooding into the new Yaletown, don't worry.

NOTE:  The second public hearing for the Onni Safeway development is six days away on March 11th.  The sign up sheets to make a five minute comment will be out at 4:30 pm and there will be a Yes and No sheet this time to diminish Onni's manipulations.


  1. Welcome back George!

  2. Thanks, it was nice to see the smiles and frowns from Council members and Council watchers.

  3. The 1 per cent tax hike for amneties is ridiculous, what is 400,000 dollars a year,
    when the City has already spending 140,000 for beach volleyball!!

  4. I have to look at this more as well, what is said seemed reasonable but at first glance I don't think that is what was passed says that.

    A trust fund where the funds can only be spent on Harry Jerome is not what passed. It looks like a slush fund for "amenities" what they may be determined to be at the time.
