Saturday 18 January 2014

The "Save the Stern" rally

Today at 11am, a small band of protesters rallied to save the last piece of a Victory Ship made in North Van, well, not actually made in North Van but it looks like the ones that were made here and I guess that's good enough to the heritage buffs. 

The lamp post signs predicted a huge event with lots of media.  At 11:22 when I popped  by for pictures, I was the only media, a local blogger and there was only 49 people there.

What really pissed the protesters, it seemed, was the Council taking the decision in secret.  More and more, our Council conducts the public's business in-camera (secret), not because there is a sensitive personnel matter but to inhibit public knowledge and opposition.  Is this one of these situations?  The following, from the minutes is the motion they passed to scrap the stern.

"11. Security of City Properties – File: 6740-20-S-01 

 Report: Chief Administrative Officer and Director, Special Projects, 
September 3, 2013 

Moved by Councillor Clark, seconded by Councillor Keating 

PURSUANT to the report of the Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Special Projects, dated September 3, 2013, entitled "Disposition of the Flamborough Head": 

THAT Council direct staff to proceed with disposing of the stern and the 
engine of the Flamborough Head and to proceed with the removal of the 
hazardous materials; 

THAT funding of up to $250,000 (Funding Appropriation #1327) be 
appropriated from the "Lower Lonsdale Amenity Reserve Fund" to 
complete the disposal process; 

THAT staff be directed to contact the Artificial Reef Society to investigate 
the removal of the stern and engine and the associated costs, and if there 
is no interest from the Artificial Reef Society, that staff proceed with the 
removal and report back to Council; 

AND THAT the report remain In Camera. 


So the motion was in public only the staff report as to the reasoning remained secret and the Mayor made clear why it was being done.  So despite the pontifications of protesters, there is nothing illegal or inappropriate happening here.  Those who disagree have an election to voice their displeasure but since no councillor noted their opposition and the camera did a close up of the City Clerk to hide how the Councillors voted, all we know is it was a 4-3 or 5-2 or 6-1 vote as the minutes read "carried unanimously".  On the tape the Mayor says animously but the Clerk's minutes are probably right. Since he moved the motion and can't vote against it, we know Councillor Clark wanted to scrap the stern. Councillor Keating seconded the motion, Mayor spoke for it in the press and its likely Councillor Buchanan voted with her NDP comrades.

There is another point that comes up with this, all should note the Lower Lonsdale Amenity Reserve Fund being used again as a slush fund.  Are there terms of reference for this reserve fund?  If not, why not and why does it get used in this way?  Is temp volleyball courts an amenity?  The fund is created to alleviate the high density created by the neverending high level of development and should only be used for something that really reduces the feeling one gets living in a sea of tall buildings, not to buy votes from volleyball players.

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